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Country Bank to replace $9,000 worth of stolen tools from Worcester Habitat for Humanity site

Posted on December 13, 2023

WORCESTER, Mass. — Debby Huegel from Habitat for Humanity in Metro West and Greater Worcester is stunned by the generosity of a local partner Country Bank.

“I was just so blown away with their generosity,” said Debby Huegel who is VP of Philanthropy for Habitat for Humanity Metro West and Greater Worcester.

After thousands of dollars worth of tools to build homes in Worcester were stolen last week.

“This isn’t right, why would you steal tools from Habitat from Humanity while they are building a house?” said Paul Scully, CEO of Country Bank.

Last week, thieves took the very things needed to construct two habitat homes.

The tools were inside a storage container on the site where the two homes are under construction.

Someone cut the two padlocks and made off with several power tools including drills and nail guns — adding up to a nine thousand dollar loss.

Hearing the news bothered Scully, so much that he didn’t think twice and stepped up to replace the entire amount stolen.

“They needed nine thousand dollars worth of tools. We are not good with tools but we are good with money let’s see what we can do to help them out and make a difference,” said Scully.

Their relationship is strong. Country Bank helps Habitat on building sites and with playhouses built for children of vets. For Scully, this was an easy decision.

“It’s all about making a difference and it’s all about giving back and we love doing our small part,” he said.

And that generosity has Habitat and families who will live in the homes, that can now be finished, forever grateful.

“But to have them call out of the blue and offer the entire nine thousand dollars for the stolen tools was just simply amazing,” said Huegel.


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